Saturday 30 August 2014

Mindspeak - By Heather Sunseri

Mindspeak is suitable for young adults aged 13 and over. The story follows the life of a young woman who finds out that she is a clone that was designed to cure people who have damaged brains.
Interestingly enough, she seems to be a well rounded individual who’s talents seem to know no limits… as well as being on the school swim team, she’s able to enter an art exhibition, spend a lot of time studying brains as well as making great headway in breaking school rules and fighting those who want her to join "The Program".
Mindspeak wouldn’t typically be a book I’d choose to read by myself… but I was attracted to it’s cover while building a list of books on Squidoo (a now defunct writing platform), so I took the plunge and grabbed a copy – the fact that it was free when I grabbed my copy also sealed the deal for me.
As far as books go, I found it quite interesting, though I would have liked to have known a little more of Jack’s story rather than being told the way that things were, It’s hard to develop an attachment to characters when there is little to no chance to make up your own mind about them and their intentions.
The series is also very open to spin offs, too since there were several characters I wouldn’t have minded a chance to learn more about – to figure out why they turned out the way that they have at this point in the story. For me, getting to know people is a huge thing in my enjoyment of the book.
You can buy Mindspeak from the following venues:- Amazon UK Amazon US Book Depositary

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